New feature : Back in stock notifications

Get notified when products are restocked

Wile we strive to improve our offered services to our customers as always, we have included a new feature that will allow you to be notified via email when a product you desire is back in stock.

To do so is very simple! When you open a product page for an item you need (but is not on hand at our facilities), all you need to do is leave the email address you wish to be notified at in the box above the product description and click the 'Notify' button.

Our system scans each notification request every hour, and will dispatch an email when the products you are following are back in stock.

Please note that certain products will not be restocked for multiple reasons (availability, end of sales cycle, etc.). We do however recommend you leave your email address for these products - you never know!

If you have any questions about this new feature, you can write to [email protected] or communicate with our team via phone.

To install this Web App in your iPhone/iPad press and then Add to Home Screen.